Abbiamo partecipato a un meet and greet offerto gentilmente da Porsche nel loro hospitality. Dopo esserci ripresi dallo stupore che ci ha causato la cosa, abbiamo fermato Micheal Christensen e gli abbiamo fatto le nostre canoniche domande, compresa al domanda scomoda alla fine. Ve la lascio in inglese, così come l’abbiamo fatta.

“So you come from GTE, and now you are on an LMDh. Which are the biggest differences in your drive and how difficult was to adapt yourself on this kind of cars?”

“The biggest difference is that there are a lot of systems to be good at, a lot of multis [the selectors on the wheel], especially during the practices. During the race we are usually more calm with settings. The next big thing is that the car is a little bit faster, a little more agile. It’s actually quite logical to jump in, it’s a straightforward step frome the GTE to the LMDh. You only need to learn which are the specifics to go fast, but once you got it it’s quite straightforward”.

“The LMDh has a hybrid system, the GTE doesn’t. Was it hard to adapt to it? How do you perceive the system? How Do you feel it?”

“It’s very easy, because you don’t feel it. You don’t notice when it is on or off, it just fills the power curve with internal combustione engine very nicely. It’s just smooth. The power curve can’t exceed the limits of the regulations, so that’s why you don’t feel a boost, you are always at maximum power.”

“Again coming back from the GTE times. You had a lot of battles with Ferrari, and now the hypercar #51 has also the same line up they had in GTE. How do you feel to have battles with them again, but in different cars?”

“Now it is different. The #51 is a competitive car, and we hope to have other battles with them in the future. It is a good thing that so many drivers from GTE Pro made into the new category. I think we deserved it, we put up a good show in the last years.”

“Last question, and then you are free from us. There are a lot of things you like about Le Mans, but there is one thing that you don’t like. What is it?”

“Oh. What can it be? I don’t know. Maybe the lenght of the event. We are here ten days. It’s part of the game, it’s part of Le Mans. Basically we are camping, and at the end there is a race. All the rest I like it“.

“Thank you for your time!”

Di Alessandro Rizzuti

Laureato in storia e bassista metal a tempo perso, fermamente convinto che sotto le sei ore si parla di gare sprint. Ogni tanto faccio qualche articolo ironico, sperando di essere divertente almeno su internet.

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